Friday, June 5, 2009


deleted my old post. its so old, who would want to read it by the way. my tongue is so itchy. as if I'm allergic to the things i just ate :O don't bother , i did not like that food that much thou ;p

oh baby your so kind,
your so kind that i got blind.

a lot of relationship happen because of the kind-ness happened between them. by that, the girl don't even bother to judge his face as his kindness turn over his oh-so-not-hansom-face to her prince charming. how did that happen ? i have hell no idea. yes i created that words up there. it just suddenly popped out from my mind. i don't mind sharing (:

I'm just so curious, love is so-very-incredibly blind now days. is it a good thing? i think so, but not for the pretty ladies out there or the most charming guy u kind find. one of my friend said to me the other day " in a relationship, on of them must be so hot-pretty-cute and everything a person wants. on the other hand, the other person is the person who everyone been rejecting!" she went mad. (ha ha) because damn, she's pretty too. so she said again " in this case, my boyfriend gonna look hilarious! "

i tought of it, i must be lucky ;p im not that pretty girl who always gets the boy's attention. we'll just hope the fact is true :D seriously, to all the pretty ladies, girls, woman sorry ;)

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